Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Happy 16th Birthday Chandler!

Today is Chandler "Chubby" Halpin's 16th Birthday!  So let me just start by saying, "Clear the Roads and Stay off the Streets!" because Chandler has his learner's permit!  What once was a cute little baby boy has know grown into a very tall man child!  Oh, to go back to the days when Chandler used to call his brother "Al" and used words like "tutdown" when he scored, or "Ho-Ho" for what does Santa say.  Now it's words like "homey", "True Dat", and "I is" when he talks. But boy do we love him and are so glad he is our boy!  Happy 16th My Boy! - Dad

We can't believe that we actually have a child in high-school.  It seems as if he was just born.  I remember the day quite well.  After going into labor with him, Todd took me to the hospital around 11:00 pm.  After 3 hours of being monitored, and no dialation whatsoever, the doctor sent me home, and told me to attend my previously scheduled appointment the following afternoon at 3:00 pm.  We got back to our little apartment in the avenues around 2:30 am and Todd was exhausted!!!  He laid down and went to sleep, and I tried to relax in the living room.  The pain was coming quicker and stronger.  After a few hours of this (and talking to dead people because I was delirious), I woke up Todd and begged him to take me to the hospital.  He reminded me that the Doctor told us to wait for our 3:00 appointment.  Again, the pain was horrible, so after watching me cry for what seemed like forever,  we again got into our car and drove to Cottonwood hospital.  We arrived around 7:45 am, and at 9:45 am our sweet little boy was born!!!  HE WAS PERFECT!!!  We couldn't be more proud of our wonderful son Chandler, and we love him so much!!!!    Happy Birthday Chubby!!! - Mom


@mie said...

Happy Birthday Chan the Man!!! We love ya!

Laura said...

What a handsome boy - I mean young man. He needs an ODA with a rusted out hole in the floor to drive!