Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Happy 40th Birthday Janette!

Today is Janette's 40th Birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANETTE! It was 40 years ago that Janette was born at St. Mark's Hospital at 9:10 p.m. She was a 6 pound 8 ounce bundle of Joy! Upon asking her how she felt being 40 today, she said "Same as yesterday." O.K. But you are 40 now!!

We are sitting at the SLC airport on our way to Las Vegas to see Janette's boyfriend tonight. That's right, Mr. Donny Osmond. I mean, I figured that I might as well make sure she is with her boyfriend on her big day, right? Well Janette, you may be moving into a new decade, THE 40's, but you just keep getting more and more beautiful every year, and I, your husband, love you with all my heart!! Be sure to call her and wish her a HAPPY DAY (even though we will be in sunny Las Vegas!)


The Sullenger's said...

Welcome to the blogging world. Happy Birthday dear, Janette. I am glad that Donny will celebrate with you. If I was smart I would meet you there. But alas, I am not that smart. Enjoy!

claudia said...

Happy Birthday Sissy! Give Donny a hug for me! I love you and want to welcome you to the 40's club for spastic blonde's! Love, Claudia

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Nettie!!! I love you and am so happy that you are on your way to see Donny. Wish that we could attend your party. Enjoy yourself and know that you make "40" look great. Thanks for being one of my oldest and dearest friends. You bless my life. love, Sonia

JaNeanne Dazley said...

I am so glad that you blog now. To live in my neighborhood, you must blog several times a day. Sometimes you blog in the closet, sometimes with your sweetheart, and sometimes with Donny. It's seemingly impossible to keep up with the neighbors, that's why my blog has had only one entry this year. Glad your birthday with Todd and Donny and the male strippers from Thunder Down Under went well. You're blond, beautiful and forty-licious. Love, JaNeanne

Trish said...

OK, so I already typed this in, but I think it kicked it out. I'm sure I'm the flakiest friend you have. I hope your birthday was fantastic and that your date with Donny was all you hoped for. :) You're the best! Love, Trish

@mie said...

I only can hope that I look as good as you at 40! Heck, you look better than me now!!! =)